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Cozy & Bold: Chili with a Heart(beet) Twist

Cozy & Bold: Chili with a Heart(beet) Twist

Yield - roughly 2 gallons


2 lbs ground beef chuck

1 lb ground pork

18 oz can hunts tomato paste

2 whole sweet onions

1 very large green pepper

3-5 roma tomatoes 

2 cans dark red kidney beans

2 cans light red kidney beans 

1 can chili beans 

Healthy HeartBeets

Sour Cream

Lime or lime juice

(Optional) 1 lemon or lemon juice (must be 100% lemon juice)


Chop all your veggies pretty small.

Start boiling a pot of water.

Mix 1 scoop of Healthy HeartBeets for every 8 oz of sour cream in a bowl. Add some lime juice. Done.

Start with seasoning all of your meat with salt pepper and chili powder. Mix well. Then it’s going in your chili pot.

In the pot you’re making your chili - add your meat to an already hot pan. Med-high to high. You want a nice sizzle.

You’re going to cook this further than you would think. This will help cook out the grease and let the color of the meat change. If there is still a lot of grease go ahead and get rid of that now. 

Next we are putting all the veggies in and letting those cook down for a while. They will release some water and help to deglaze the bottom if anything is stuck. That’s the good stuff. 

Once the veggies have thoroughly cooked down we are ready for the tomato paste. If there is no water, add a little from the hot water you have on the side. Now add and mix all your tomato paste to the mixture. 

Next add all of the beans and juice. 

Now add more hot water until you have the right amount. Let this simmer, not boil like crazy (unless you like the mess.)

Taste your chili.  

Add more seasonings based on what you tasted. This time also add some brown sugar. And of course the Healthy HeartBeets! About 5 scoops, or just to your heart's desire. 

Lemon juice can be added at any point once your water is in. 

Keep cooking down and seasoning until you're happy. 

Need more thickness? More tomato paste. Or cornstarch (be careful here because it can cool and be really thick if you do too much.)

All finished! Enjoy your chili with whatever toppings you would like. I recommend trying at least 1 bite with nothing else.



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